[SA-exim] [ANNOUNCE] MySpam - Manage your quarantined SPAM
Mark Lawrence
2007-10-04 08:10:51 UTC
Have you been wondering what to do with that ever growing collection of
files building up in /var/spool/sa-exim/SApermreject/new? Does
SpamAssassin occasionally generate a false positive that you need to
recover? Then perhaps MySpam is for you.

I've built an application that stores sa-exim quarantined mails in a
database, and lets users query that database to list or recover mails.
There is both an email interface to the database and a command-line

I've attached an example email response (that comes in both text/plain
and text/html parts) to the 'list' command.

MySpam is written entirely in Perl and runs efficiently on my personal
server with an SQLite backend. It is also running on three SMTP
gateways supporting over 25,000 addresses with a single MySQL backend.
Most likely it also works with PostgreSQL but that hasn't been tested.

All modules and scripts are fully documented and licensed under the GPL.

You can obtain/install MySpam manually from CPAN:

$ wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/ML/MLAWREN/MySpam-0.05.tar.gz
$ tar zxf MySpam-0.05.tar.gz
$ cd MySpam-0.05
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make install

Automatically install MySpam from CPAN

$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install MySpam'

Or if you run a Debian derivative you can add
'deb http://rekudos.net stable main' to /etc/apt/sources.list and run:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install myspam

The first two options will probably need some post-installation effort
for cron(8) files, permissions and/or exim integration.

Once things are installed you can send a mail to ***@your.domain with
the subject 'help', or jump right in with the myspam(1) manpage.

I welcome any feedback, comments and/or installation stories. Patches
for bugs or RPM packaging will also get your name in the credits :-)

Mark Lawrence