[SA-exim] Mailing lists and sa-exim
Jeffrey Ross
2006-10-02 14:07:07 UTC
I'm running into a problem with sa-exim and Mailman in that sa-exim
(exim 4.63) is expanding the list of recipients so that I'm getting in
the headers the following line:

X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: followed by every member of the mailing list. How do I suppress this? How do I suppress most if not all the extra header additions that sa-exim (and for that matter SpamAssassin) add?


2006-10-02 16:37:40 UTC
Post by Jeffrey Ross
I'm running into a problem with sa-exim and Mailman in that sa-exim
(exim 4.63) is expanding the list of recipients so that I'm getting in
X-SA-Exim-Rcpt-To: followed by every member of the mailing list. How
do I suppress this?
How do I suppress most if not all the extra header
additions that sa-exim (and for that matter SpamAssassin) add?
You can have exim remove any header with headers_remove in any transport

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