[SA-exim] SA-Exim Greylist IP Whitelist?
Jeff Clark
2006-08-27 15:08:11 UTC
I've been using SA-Exim for sometime now (very happy with it) and have just
recently began using the greylisting feature. I've read that there are
certain services (like Gmail, etc) that should have their IPs exempted from
greylisting. Is there a way in sa-exim to exclude certain IP addresses just
from greylisting, or do I have to exclude sa-exim from running on them at
all using the X-SA-Do-Not-Run headers?

Thanks for any help!

2006-08-27 16:38:14 UTC
Post by Jeff Clark
I've been using SA-Exim for sometime now (very happy with it) and have just
recently began using the greylisting feature. I've read that there are
certain services (like Gmail, etc) that should have their IPs exempted from
greylisting. Is there a way in sa-exim to exclude certain IP addresses just
from greylisting, or do I have to exclude sa-exim from running on them at
all using the X-SA-Do-Not-Run headers?
Greylisting should only be configured to kick in when you receive something
that's almost certainly spam.
The implementation that comes with SA-Exim therefore does not have any
whitelisting support built in, however it's easy to add one anyway with
1) You write an SA rule that counteracts/disables the SA rule that helps
with greylisting
2) You add a quick hack to

Note however that:
1) you can greylist gmail just like everyone else. I do (and I work for
2) it's hard to get an up to date list of all sending IPs for big providers.
Those can change at any time

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