[SA-exim] SA-EXIM on 64 bit linux systems
2006-12-23 02:56:25 UTC
Hello All,

Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?


2006-12-23 15:43:21 UTC
Post by Czesiek
Hello All,
Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
I haven't personally tested it, but it ought to work.

There are already people using it on other kinds of 64bit systems, so you
should be ok.

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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Mike Pellatt
2006-12-23 15:58:41 UTC
Have run it on x86-64 Fedora Core 5, and presently running it on FC6 (having fixed the removal of it from the overall exim .spec file in extras :-( - who on earth decided that it was "deprecated" !!!!???? - I expect the answer is out there somewhere, but I couldn't be a**ed to find it, it was quicker to un-deprecate it !!!!)

Mike P

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc MERLIN [mailto:***@merlins.org]
Sent: 23 December 2006 15:43
To: Czesiek
Cc: sa-***@lists.merlins.org
Subject: Re: [SA-exim] SA-EXIM on 64 bit linux systems
Post by Czesiek
Hello All,
Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
I haven't personally tested it, but it ought to work.

There are already people using it on other kinds of 64bit systems, so you should be ok.

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/
Magnus Holmgren
2006-12-24 11:39:37 UTC
Post by Czesiek
Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
At least the sa-exim Debian package builds on the amd64 architecture. I
haven't tried running it though.
Magnus Holmgren ***@lysator.liu.se
Debian maintainer of sa-exim

"Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for
Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans
David Fisher
2007-01-05 11:43:41 UTC
Post by Magnus Holmgren
Post by Czesiek
Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
At least the sa-exim Debian package builds on the amd64 architecture.
I haven't tried running it though.
I have it running on this machine, a Debian sid amd64 machine.
It works perfectly.

It's time to reconsider your thoughts about the iron carbon double
Tim Sexton
2007-01-05 16:42:38 UTC
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I have it running on Suse 10oss&nbsp; 64bit.&nbsp;&nbsp; Had to compile from source,
but works fine.<br>
David Fisher wrote:
<blockquote cite="***@colossus.apana.org.au"
<pre wrap="">On Sunday 24 December 2006 22:39, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">On Saturday 23 December 2006 03:56, Czesiek wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
<pre wrap="">At least the sa-exim Debian package builds on the amd64 architecture.
I haven't tried running it though.
<pre wrap=""><!---->
I have it running on this machine, a Debian sid amd64 machine.
It works perfectly.

David Fisher
2007-01-05 21:42:04 UTC
I have it running on Suse 10oss  64bit.   Had to compile from
source, but works fine.
Is it possible to compile and run sa-exim on 64 bit Linux systems?
At least the sa-exim Debian package builds on the amd64 architecture.
I haven't tried running it though.
I have it running on this machine, a Debian sid amd64 machine.
It works perfectly.
Perhaps I should have added that I am running it from the Debian
package, a very neat installation. The packagers have done a superb
job. Pat on the back to 'em.

It's time to reconsider your thoughts about the iron carbon double