[SA-exim] smtp_printf() and smtp_fflush()
Magnus Holmgren
2007-04-22 13:01:15 UTC
The comment to the teergrube code states that "we can't use exim's smtp_printf
because it doesn't return an error code if the write gets an EPIPE". Wasn't
smtp_fflush() available at the time or doesn't it work the way we want? I
note that the old local_scan.h in eximinc/ doesn't declare smtp_printf()
either, but both declares are present in the initial revision in Exim's CVS
(which doesn't go back too far).
Magnus Holmgren ***@lysator.liu.se
(No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

"Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for
Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans
2007-04-23 03:44:21 UTC
Post by Magnus Holmgren
The comment to the teergrube code states that "we can't use exim's smtp_printf
because it doesn't return an error code if the write gets an EPIPE". Wasn't
smtp_fflush() available at the time or doesn't it work the way we want? I
note that the old local_scan.h in eximinc/ doesn't declare smtp_printf()
either, but both declares are present in the initial revision in Exim's CVS
(which doesn't go back too far).
Either smtp_fflush wasn't there, or I somehow missed it.

Either way, if you get smtp_fflush to do the right thing wrt to EPIPE and
the return code, I'm all for switching to it.

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