[SA-exim] Delete old Spam Mails
2007-01-04 10:14:12 UTC

I've set in sa-exim.conf the setting

SAmaxarchivebody: 20971520

But my Mail"archive" is now about 30 MB. Is a cron job necessary to
delete the old mails?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen!
Axel Mueller
Greg Hill
2007-01-04 15:30:41 UTC
Post by A***@t-systems.com
I've set in sa-exim.conf the setting
SAmaxarchivebody: 20971520
But my Mail"archive" is now about 30 MB. Is a cron job necessary to
delete the old mails?
I think maybe there's a misunderstanding about the effect of this setting
(it isn't described well in the sa-exim.conf comments).

After looking at the function int savemail(int readfd, char *filename, int
SAmaxarchivebody) in
http://marc.merlins.org/linux/exim/files/local_scan/local_scan.c_1.2, it
appears that this setting limits size of each message -- in other words,
only the first ~20 MB (in this case) of any message will be written. It
doesn't limit how many such messages will exist, and so it doesn't limit
the total archive size on disk.

Yes, I think a cron job to delete old stuff would be appropriate.

