[SA-exim] Problem Whitelisting
Jonathan GF
2008-04-10 19:47:16 UTC

i keep on having trouble because i don't find the clue to whitelist an email
address and instruct sa-exim to forget process mail from this address or
process it as AWL.

Can anyone help me pointing me in the good direction?

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan GF
2008-04-10 19:55:56 UTC
Post by Jonathan GF
i keep on having trouble because i don't find the clue to whitelist an email
address and instruct sa-exim to forget process mail from this address or
process it as AWL.
Can anyone help me pointing me in the good direction?
Long story short, you just do this in SA, not SA-Exim.

Something like:

# tagged (incorrectly) as spam; it also helps that they be addresses of big
# companies with lots of lawyers, so if spammers impersonate them, they'll get
# into big trouble, so it doesn't provide a shortcut around SpamAssassin.
# Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so
# "***@somewhere.com", "*@isp.com", or "*.domain.net" will all work.

# Bugtraq contains all kind of things that can trigger SA
# Sets a -6 score
#whitelist_to ***@securityfocus.com
# Sets a -20 score
more_spam_to ***@securityfocus.com
# Sets a -100 score
#all_spam_to ***@securityfocus.com

whitelist_from bugzilla-***@hughes-family.org
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