[SA-exim] greylisting effectiveness question
Jeffrey D. Carter
2008-02-16 14:54:51 UTC
After running SpamAssassin 2.55, Exim 4.22, SA-Exim-3.1, and MailScanner
4.42.9 for a really long time, I finally decided I needed to implement

(Upgrading mail server software is never fun....) This meant upgrading
SpamAssassin to 3.2.4, SA-Exim to 4.2.1 (and perl to 5.6.2).
and dozens of perl modules... sigh...
Just upgrading to SA 3.2.4 gave a major spam reduction all by itself.

After finding the secret configuration option (SAmaxrcptlistlength)
greylisting seems to be working (at least it is now writing data into
the tuplets directory, which it wasn't before).

Are there some scripts to parse the logfiles to give some indication of
how well it is working? like % of messages "temp rejected" that never
get resubmitted?

Jeff Carter
2008-02-19 05:03:08 UTC
Post by Jeffrey D. Carter
Are there some scripts to parse the logfiles to give some indication of
how well it is working? like % of messages "temp rejected" that never
get resubmitted?
All I know about is this:

I don't personally use it (I should), but it likely does what you need, or
something close to it.

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