[SA-exim] Greylist in DB
Martin Hierling
2006-11-07 19:35:02 UTC
Hi, me again,

i have read a thread in october about the greylisting information are
not nessessary on the mail server but on the SA server. So what if i
habe x SA servers? I certainly could share the information via nfs, but
that is slow. i have read and seen the case statement in Greylisting.pm
where i can enter the DB code. But does anyone know if the code is
already written (i cant write perl) and where to download it?

regards Martin
2006-11-09 15:30:47 UTC
Post by Martin Hierling
Hi, me again,
i have read a thread in october about the greylisting information are
not nessessary on the mail server but on the SA server. So what if i
habe x SA servers? I certainly could share the information via nfs, but
that is slow. i have read and seen the case statement in Greylisting.pm
where i can enter the DB code. But does anyone know if the code is
already written (i cant write perl) and where to download it?
I haven't heard anyone doing this.
Now, if you only have 2, or 3 servers, in your shoes, I wouldn't do
anything: if you have 3 servers, after the mail is sent back 4 times to you,
at most, you would accept it (3 of the times after the greylist timeout).

Now, if you have 20 servers or less, then yes, you would need to share the
DB. At that point, you might want to have the greylist info in some
database, but I haven't heard of anyone doing this (my personal take on
databases is to avoid them as another potential source of problems and
failures :) )

Anyway, I think you would be the first to do this, but as you note it's
really only 30-50 lines of perl in the greylist module. It shouldn't be that
hard to do.

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