[SA-exim] sig 11 problem
Martin Hierling
2007-03-01 17:35:38 UTC

i have a bunch of sig11 message in my exim log.

2007-03-01 01:01:49 1HMYk1-0002om-0h local_scan() function crashed with
signal 11 - message temporarily rejected (size 1021)
2007-03-01 02:04:42 1HMZir-0002uA-RE local_scan() function crashed with
signal 11 - message temporarily rejected (size 2311)
2007-03-01 05:37:32 1HMd2o-0003Ca-Rc local_scan() function crashed with
signal 11 - message temporarily rejected (size 28221)

Any suggestion how to track this down? Setting SAEximDebug to some
higher level? I have sniffed some smtp traffic while this happens. It
seems to be all spam that triggers the sig 11, so it is not so
important. I have attached 2 smtp session logs.

Any ideas?
What kind of data do you need (or i) to debug this?

regards Martin
Will the information superhighway have any rest stops?
2007-03-01 18:37:01 UTC
Post by Martin Hierling
i have a bunch of sig11 message in my exim log.
So, does that happen for all mails, or just some?

Did you build your own sa-exim? did you use a package?

What platform/architecture are you on?

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/
2007-03-02 07:21:47 UTC
Hi Marc,
Post by Marc MERLIN
Post by Martin Hierling
i have a bunch of sig11 message in my exim log.
So, does that happen for all mails, or just some?
No, only just some, about 8%.
Post by Marc MERLIN
Did you build your own sa-exim? did you use a package?
i am using the sa-exim ebuld for gentoo.
Post by Marc MERLIN
What platform/architecture are you on?
Gentoo, x86 inside a Xen DomU, kernel, gcc-4.1.1, exim-4.62

Can you enable coredumps and run bt against the core to see where the code
Or are the last sa-exim log lines before it dies always the same (at debug
level 10). If so, what are they?

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/