[SA-exim] external spamassassin
Wolfgang Hennerbichler
2006-07-05 09:05:57 UTC

I'm using sa-exim for some days now, works nearly perfect. The only
drawback is my spamassassin-version (debian stable). I'd like to use
spamassassin from debian unstable, which would be more effective I
guess. So I installed debian unstable on a separate machine. The new
'external' spamassassin itself is working already (with sa-exim
module loaded), but I guess this won't work in combination with
greylisting, as I would net the same /var/spool/sa-exim directory as
the receiving mailserver (running exim4 with sa-exim) runs. Any hints
on that? Should I share that directory via NFS or something?

Is there any plan on implementing all that greylisting-informational-
stuff in mysql?

other than that - sa-exim is: GREAT!
2006-07-12 00:01:14 UTC
Post by Wolfgang Hennerbichler
I'm using sa-exim for some days now, works nearly perfect. The only
drawback is my spamassassin-version (debian stable). I'd like to use
spamassassin from debian unstable, which would be more effective I
guess. So I installed debian unstable on a separate machine. The new
'external' spamassassin itself is working already (with sa-exim
module loaded), but I guess this won't work in combination with
greylisting, as I would net the same /var/spool/sa-exim directory as
the receiving mailserver (running exim4 with sa-exim) runs. Any hints
on that? Should I share that directory via NFS or something?
Yeah, this is not a supported configuration. You could NFS export
it if you wanted
Post by Wolfgang Hennerbichler
Is there any plan on implementing all that greylisting-informational-
stuff in mysql?
I'm not going to as I don't want my mail to depend on mysql, but it's a
small piece of code in perl in the SpamAssassin module that comes with
There is a switch statement at the top that is meant for people to add other
storage methods than local files

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/
Mark Lawrence
2006-07-18 13:21:27 UTC
Post by Marc MERLIN
Post by Wolfgang Hennerbichler
module loaded), but I guess this won't work in combination with
greylisting, as I would net the same /var/spool/sa-exim directory as
the receiving mailserver (running exim4 with sa-exim) runs. Any hints
on that? Should I share that directory via NFS or something?
Yeah, this is not a supported configuration. You could NFS export
it if you wanted
Hmmm? Is this actually the case?

* The sa-exim plugin for SA writes tuplets to the SA machine filesystem.
The ISWHITE rule is also run on the SA machine.

* Greylisting happens inside sa-exim based on the results returned through
the spamc interface to SA. No need to see /var/spool/sa-exim/tuplets/

SApermreject and SAtempreject are kept on the exim machine as normal.

So I think in fact this configuration does work and is what I actually
have running...

Mark Lawrence
Mark Lawrence
2006-07-18 14:41:33 UTC
Post by Mark Lawrence
So I think in fact this configuration does work and is what I actually
have running...
I should also point out that I did this with Debian. Installed exim and
sa-exim on the SA machine in order to get the Debian-exim user and the
/var/spool/sa-exim/ directory created. I had to create
/var/spool/sa-exim/tuplets/ directory manually (and change ownership). I
then stopped exim from being started at boot time with "update-rc.d -f
exim4 remove" (since exim is running on another machine).

Mark Lawrence
2006-07-18 14:47:29 UTC
Post by Mark Lawrence
Post by Marc MERLIN
Post by Wolfgang Hennerbichler
module loaded), but I guess this won't work in combination with
greylisting, as I would net the same /var/spool/sa-exim directory as
the receiving mailserver (running exim4 with sa-exim) runs. Any hints
on that? Should I share that directory via NFS or something?
Yeah, this is not a supported configuration. You could NFS export
it if you wanted
Hmmm? Is this actually the case?
* The sa-exim plugin for SA writes tuplets to the SA machine filesystem.
The ISWHITE rule is also run on the SA machine.
* Greylisting happens inside sa-exim based on the results returned through
the spamc interface to SA. No need to see /var/spool/sa-exim/tuplets/
SApermreject and SAtempreject are kept on the exim machine as normal.
So I think in fact this configuration does work and is what I actually
have running...
Argh. You are absolutely correct, and I should wait until I've actually
woken up before starting to answer Email.
For a while, I was thinking about having sa-exim look at tuplets on the
filesystem, but I never did that and indeed put everything in the perl SA
plugin itself

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/