[SA-exim] Not trolling, can't figure out..
B. Cook
2008-03-12 14:01:45 UTC
Hello All,

I am looking to talk with people to help me figure out what sa-exim is
as opposed to regular exim.

It looks like things you can normally do in exim but sa-exim makes
them 'easier'? or 'standard'?

I guess I don't understand what sa-exim does as opposed to
spamd_address (and appropriate rules)

Thanks in advance for any thing that would help
2008-03-13 04:47:09 UTC
Post by B. Cook
Hello All,
I am looking to talk with people to help me figure out what sa-exim is
as opposed to regular exim.
It looks like things you can normally do in exim but sa-exim makes
them 'easier'? or 'standard'?
Are you comparing to exiscan?
Post by B. Cook
I guess I don't understand what sa-exim does as opposed to
spamd_address (and appropriate rules)
sa-exim, last I checked, does more on the spam side than exiscan, from 4
levels of accept/tempreject/permreject/teergrube, to adaptive filtering with
built in greylisting (which I consider the killer feature of sa-exim,
without which it would be not much better than some other solutions out

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