[SA-exim] Multiple SAspamcHost's? Possible Feature Request
Rocky Olsen
2007-02-28 22:33:24 UTC
I've searched through most of the archives and haven't been able to find an
answer to this question. I'm wondering if it's been considered having the
configuration value of SAspamcHost take multiple host names in csv format?
and in doing so have it also pass the -H flag to spamc when it makes the
execl call to provide some sort of load balancing. 'spamc -d host1,host2

I tested this earlier today using 'SAspamcHost host1,host2' and it resulted
in a configuration error. We are moving to having large backend
spamscanning machines with light edge mta's. Our other options are using
lvs or some other load balancer, but wanted to check here first.

Thanks in advance


what's with today, today?

Email: ***@mindphone.org
2007-03-03 15:16:40 UTC
Post by Rocky Olsen
I've searched through most of the archives and haven't been able to find an
answer to this question. I'm wondering if it's been considered having the
configuration value of SAspamcHost take multiple host names in csv format?
and in doing so have it also pass the -H flag to spamc when it makes the
execl call to provide some sort of load balancing. 'spamc -d host1,host2
I tested this earlier today using 'SAspamcHost host1,host2' and it resulted
in a configuration error. We are moving to having large backend
spamscanning machines with light edge mta's. Our other options are using
lvs or some other load balancer, but wanted to check here first.
I think it ought to work, what kind of configuration error are you

I set
SAspamcHost: localhost,
and I'm not getting any errors

2007-03-03 07:14:52 1HNVwi-0002Qh-Io SA: Debug4: config read SAspamcHost = localhost,

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