[SA-exim] Local_scan timeout -- config issue?
Jon Armitage
2006-12-19 15:08:43 UTC
I am running Exim 4.63 with sa-exim on a Sunfire V210, Solaris 10. Nothing
has been altered for a couple of months.

Over the past couple of days, I have been seeing the following messages in
my logs from time to time:

2006-12-19 11:03:00 1GwckM-0005Wz-UQ SA: Debug: SAEximRunCond expand returned: '
2006-12-19 11:03:00 1GwckM-0005Wz-UQ SA: Debug: check succeeded, running spamc
Dec 19 11:03:00 spamc[21268]: [ID 702911 mail.error] skipped message,
greater than max message size (272384 bytes)
Dec 19 11:08:00 spamc[21268]: [ID 702911 mail.error] oops! message_dump of
8192 returned different
Dec 19 11:08:00 spamc[21268]: [ID 702911 mail.error] oops! message_dump of
4288 returned different
2006-12-19 11:08:00 1GwckM-0005Wz-UQ local_scan() function timed out - message t
emporarily rejected (size 320896)

I have SAmaxbody left at the default and SATruncBodyCond: 0.

Have I messed up the config somewhere? I was under the impression that I should
get a message along the lines of:

2006-12-19 02:13:47 1GwUSy-0004kn-UH SA: Action: check skipped due to message si
ze (8885632 bytes) and SATruncBodyCond expanded to false (Message-Id: 1GwUSy-000



Systems administrator
365 Media Group
2006-12-19 15:56:54 UTC
Post by Jon Armitage
I have SAmaxbody left at the default and SATruncBodyCond: 0.
So, do you have
SAmaxbody: 256000?
Post by Jon Armitage
Have I messed up the config somewhere? I was under the impression that I should
2006-12-19 02:13:47 1GwUSy-0004kn-UH SA: Action: check skipped due to message si
ze (8885632 bytes) and SATruncBodyCond expanded to false (Message-Id: 1GwUSy-000
I'm not sure why this is happening then, the code has:
if (SAEximDebug > 3)
log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "SA: Debug4: Message body is about %.0f bytes and
the initial offset is %.0f", (double)(fdsize-18), (double)fdstart);

Set debugging to 4, and see what the message body size is reported as.
Then crosscheck with what spamd says when it's having issues.

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/
Jon Armitage
2006-12-19 16:34:34 UTC
Post by Marc MERLIN
So, do you have
SAmaxbody: 256000?
I do now. It was undefined before (I thought it defaulted to this).
Post by Marc MERLIN
Set debugging to 4, and see what the message body size is reported as.
Done. I will report back when something develops.

(Sorry about the incorrect email address. That's what happens when you send
messages from home while you're at work. :) I have subscribed this address

2006-12-19 17:14:32 UTC
Post by Jon Armitage
Post by Marc MERLIN
So, do you have
SAmaxbody: 256000?
I do now. It was undefined before (I thought it defaulted to this).
It should, the source code says:
static int SAmaxbody=250*1024;
Post by Jon Armitage
Post by Marc MERLIN
Set debugging to 4, and see what the message body size is reported as.
Done. I will report back when something develops.
(Sorry about the incorrect email address. That's what happens when you send
messages from home while you're at work. :) I have subscribed this address
No worries, I had added you through the web interface.

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
.... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/