[SA-exim] Compile SA against current exim
Torsten Mueller
2011-05-06 12:12:25 UTC

i remember, that it wasn't possible for me to compile
SA cleanly against a current exim version.
I remember too, that Marc wrote "To be honest, I'm pretty sure the last
released version may not work as is anymore."
Is there a chance, that SA will be moved to 4.2.2, which compiles
against 4.76 (RC1). I would be very happy about this.

Thank you
2011-05-06 16:51:24 UTC
Post by Torsten Mueller
i remember, that it wasn't possible for me to compile
SA cleanly against a current exim version.
I remember too, that Marc wrote "To be honest, I'm pretty sure the last
released version may not work as is anymore."
Is there a chance, that SA will be moved to 4.2.2, which compiles
against 4.76 (RC1). I would be very happy about this.
While it's a lame answer for me to give, I'm pretty sure debian has patches
that make it work with recent exims since it's what I end up using.

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Torsten Mueller
2011-05-09 21:28:35 UTC
Post by Marc MERLIN
While it's a lame answer for me to give, I'm pretty sure debian has patches
that make it work with recent exims since it's what I end up using.
So i tried my luck and probably this mail can help, if someone has the
same problem like me. Please comment, if something could be done better.

I don't run debian, but i download the sources and patches for SA from
Today this is

Download the exim sources and prepare the Makefile in the Local

untar sa-exim_4.2.1.orig.tar.gz, gunzip sa-exim_4.2.1-13.diff.gz,
change to sa-exim-4.2.1 and patch the SA sources by
patch -p1 < ../sa-exim_4.2.1-13.diff

Modify the Makefile to match the exim src and SA conf path.

Change to the exim directory and apply the patch from sa-exim-4.2.1 here:
patch -p1 < localscan_dlopen_exim_4.20_or_better.patch

Now compile exim.
In the build-* directory there is the config.h, make a symlink to
the exim src directory.

Change to the SA src directory and build SA.

If you get such an error
/tmp/cc607USB.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not
be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/tmp/cc607USB.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"

,modify the Makefile of SA like this:
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -fPIC

I hope, it's o.k. to share my way this way.

Greetings Torsten
